Sunday, February 14, 2010

Uninvited guests...

I know that many of you will identify with me when you hear this...

Today we had 3 uninvited guests at our house. They have visited many times before, and have even been banned from our house, but they still return... and without warning. I know you know who they are... "I don't know", "I didn't do it", and "It wasn't me".

I love my children, please don't misunderstand that. It's a lot of work to have just one child. And I count myself blessed knowing that with all my inadequacies, God entrusted me with four children. But when you add the three above fore mentioned guests, things get more then frustrating.

It's Valentine's Day. Not a big celebration day for us... we just have never had the extra money to make a big deal out of it. But I thought that I would bake cookies, and treat everyone to a mini celebration after dinner.

So as I am baking cookies, I decide to come up, spend a few minutes on FaceBook, and see what my friends are doing. 15 minutes later, I head down to a screaming timer, telling me the cookies are done. What I didn't expect to find was an empty bowl! The bowl that was full, just 15 minutes before, of cookie batter.

When questioning in everyone in the house, including my husband, I find we had once again, uninvited guests. Each answer given was one of the following, "I didn't do it"! "It wasn't me"! "I don't know"! I tell you, those three guests are not allowed in my house! They keep coming back, no matter how blue (or red) I turn, in the face, stating the importance of taking responsibilities for our actions.

They ate that entire bowl of oatmeal cookie dough. You know the ones. My special recipe... inspired by my grandmother's own recipe. Cranberries instead of raisins... almond extract instead of vanilla... coconut... GONE! Every last bit!

I bet you can guess what I said.... "Great! I don't have to cook dinner tonight! I see everyone has eaten, even the guests!"

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