Friday, February 19, 2010

It's official!

So I have been meaning to post this for a few days, but life has happened... again!

As some of you know, I have been trying to start my own home-based company. Not any of those schemes you hear about, but a good old fashioned, made by hand business. I love to sew, and I am pretty good at it. Add some of that creativity God gave me, and well, I can toot my own horn.

So after a year, I have finally set up my own website! I am finally on the world wide web! It is so exciting, and a little scary at the same time. My product line is small, and specialized. I make handbags out of used clothing. Jeans, shorts, skirts... they are not only fashionable, but function well, and are 100% washable! I also make a line of cell phone and purse charms. My husband helped come up with the name, he is so clever that way. It's called Bag-O-Licious! I love the name. I love the handbags! I love my customers, and I pray the www helps me to expand my business!

Check it out, if you are curious...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Uninvited guests...

I know that many of you will identify with me when you hear this...

Today we had 3 uninvited guests at our house. They have visited many times before, and have even been banned from our house, but they still return... and without warning. I know you know who they are... "I don't know", "I didn't do it", and "It wasn't me".

I love my children, please don't misunderstand that. It's a lot of work to have just one child. And I count myself blessed knowing that with all my inadequacies, God entrusted me with four children. But when you add the three above fore mentioned guests, things get more then frustrating.

It's Valentine's Day. Not a big celebration day for us... we just have never had the extra money to make a big deal out of it. But I thought that I would bake cookies, and treat everyone to a mini celebration after dinner.

So as I am baking cookies, I decide to come up, spend a few minutes on FaceBook, and see what my friends are doing. 15 minutes later, I head down to a screaming timer, telling me the cookies are done. What I didn't expect to find was an empty bowl! The bowl that was full, just 15 minutes before, of cookie batter.

When questioning in everyone in the house, including my husband, I find we had once again, uninvited guests. Each answer given was one of the following, "I didn't do it"! "It wasn't me"! "I don't know"! I tell you, those three guests are not allowed in my house! They keep coming back, no matter how blue (or red) I turn, in the face, stating the importance of taking responsibilities for our actions.

They ate that entire bowl of oatmeal cookie dough. You know the ones. My special recipe... inspired by my grandmother's own recipe. Cranberries instead of raisins... almond extract instead of vanilla... coconut... GONE! Every last bit!

I bet you can guess what I said.... "Great! I don't have to cook dinner tonight! I see everyone has eaten, even the guests!"

Being the heavy....

This has been a long weekend. It started on Thursday afternoon, when the kids had a half day of school. I don't know what it is about half days, but they seem to throw us all for a loop, and my kids forget their senses. No one was happy... They were all hopped up on sugar from the Valentine's Day parties... Life was generally unfair...

Then Friday came. It was a "snow day". This is our second one this month. But the real clincher, we haven't had even a glimmer of hope of snow in months! Why are we having snow days when we don't have snow. Aren't they built in, then not taken if the said weather decides not to show?

Since we had a long weekend, the mom and organizer in me, thought it would be great to get the house cleaned, so we could have the weekend free. My children had other ideas. Ideas that didn't come from me. Instead of cleaning their rooms, they staged a coup! That is what I said. Let the games begin! Not only did the rooms not get cleaned, they got worse! I don't know how this happens, but the rooms were actually worse then when they started. And the boys, well, let's just say that they have 2 less drawers in their dresser then when they started.

I do have to say, the topper to it all was Seth. Bless his heart. He loves his stuffed animals. So much so, he wanted to see their insides. So, he took it upon his industrial little self to get my wire cutters, from my beading supplies, and do a little surgery. By the time is was done, 3 stuffed animals had been under the cutters, and their insides lay all over the upstairs. You know the kind... tiny little plastic beads that hurt under your feet, but refused to pick up by anything other than the shop vac!

Well, come Friday night, I was exhausted. Mentally drained, and expecting company. Our friends were coming over for dinner and cards, and I was too pooped to think straight. Bob decided he had a solution to the dilemma that was sure to get the kids to change their minds, and start to behave. He told me that he would be leaving first thing in the morning, (I know, I was momentarily panicked), and gather as many banana boxes as he could find at the local grocer.

Dinner and games were fun! We enjoyed a great game of Hand and Foot and the mocking of the Canadians during the opening ceremonies was more then memorable. Saturday morning arrived, and Bob was off to run his little errand.

When he arrived home, the kids were shocked to find themselves in the middle of a cleaning frenzy. You see, they had to watch as we packed up every toy, game and book. Sorted through their clothes, shoes and belongings. By the time it was through, 95% of all belongings were boxed, and in the van, on their way to the Goodwill. See we have gotten to the point, that if there is not going to be respect for our home, property or others, that we will just give our things away to others who will enjoy them much more. There were tears, and some harsh undertones in the conversation that afternoon, but we think we made the point clear. If you don't take care of your things, and you don't care about the area you live in, then you won't have those things, and your area will be very bare, because if I have to clean it, well I am gonna make it easy on myself.

Now the 5% of possessions we did keep, are boxed up and put in their closets. They have to earn them back. They are those items that really mean the most to them. A favorite book, toy, stuffed animal, a DS, movie... whatever. It's been a long Sunday. No one is happy. They can't play their DSs, or PlayStation. They can't play Legos, which proved to be interesting when the neighbor boy came over, and wanted to play.

Attitudes are being adjusted, and it is hurting, but in the end, I am sure we made the right decision. I really am tired of having to be the "heavy". It's exhausting. But at the same time, I completely understand that this is just a moment in time. It to will pass, and the hope is that we won't have to return to it. And that maybe one day we will laugh about it, when our kids come running to us, with the same struggles!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Can kids really be frugal?

As I continue the battle of "Turn off the lights", "Turn off the water", "Close the door, we aren't heating the outside", and "Would you like to pay the electric bill?", I really wonder if my kids will ever get it.

I am trying desperately, and very determined, to live off one income. It isn't an easy task, and as I continue to clip coupons, plan meals, really watch where every penny is going, I have a team that is undermining the entire process. They are "Team Dietz". You may know them better as Jacob, Seth, Kate and Jo, my four children. I am convinced that they like hearing me repeat myself, over and over again.... "turn off the lights", "turn off the water", "close the door, we aren't heating the outside", and my personal favorite "who decided the sink needed to brush it's teeth?".

The waste I see from my children, is awful. From electricity, to paper, to food, to household supplies, it doesn't seem to matter how red in the face I turn, their little brains just don't get it. So I stepped up today. I decided that we will turn the "vacation jar" into the "pay the bills jar". Now I, like many of you, enjoy the rewards of saving all my change to use towards a vacation. I look forward to it every year. But I have come to the conclusion, that at the rate my children are wasting time, resources, and money, I can't afford to go on a vacation.

So, starting today, for every time I catch a child wasting, they get to contribute to the "pay the bills jar". Yep! I quarter (.$25) for every offense. I figure that is going to add up quick. And if it isn't hurting them, and they continue, I figure they can watch their entire allowance drop in that jar. When they find that they aren't saving for that game or toy they wanted so badly, because their funds have been diverted, maybe they will change their ways. Only time will tell....

In the meantime, I am off to wash the unused toothpaste off the sink; sort the dirty laundry, from the laundry that was just washed, but a child was too lazy to put away, so they sent it to the dirty clothes basket; to make sure that every light in the house is turned off, the doors are securely closed, and the heaters are set at 60 degrees; to scrape the dishes of all the unwanted oatmeal; recycle all the paper that hit the trash can, instead of the recycle bin; and refill every soap dispenser in the house and hang up every towel...

Ahhhh.... the joys of being a stay at home mom!

Monday, February 8, 2010

It's been just over a month...

It's been just over a month since my father passed away. He had baldder cancer. He put up a good fight, and for the most part, even had a good attitude about the entire business. He told me once that he thought cancer was a business. Although it could kill you, lots of folks are making lots of money off of cancer.

I believe it is taking a huge emotional toll as well. Cancer robs your soul of so much worry. It slowly, or sometime quickly, kills those who have been given the horrible diagnosis that it is treminal no matter what they try. This was the case with my father, once they found the cancer had escaped the bladder, and took up residence in his lymph nodes.

Although my father and I were not as close as I longed us to be, we did have a relationship. I shared as much of my life with him as he would allow. Sadly, my children were not a part that he wanted to invest time in. It breaks my heart that he didn't get to know how intelligent and beautiful each one of them are. It breaks my heart that they will never know their grandfather. It's terribly sad that family circumstances, hurt feelings, and unforgiveness reign so previlently in our lives. Why is it so hard to say "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you" and move on?

I will ponder that question until the day I die, I'm sure. But in the meantime, I will not allow other people's choices to control my actions. I have vowed to forgive quickly, even if it hurts so badly I can't stand it, to do so. I have vowed to keep in touch, even if the other party refuses to do so. I have decided not to hold on to those things in which I cannot control, no matter how many times I need to let go, I will let it go! I also know that saying is one thing, and doing is another. I doubt it will be easy in all situations, but I am determined not to carry the baggage of hurt, shame, guilt and comdemnation any longer! Life is way to short for that heavy load!